Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Washington-Lee High School
Art Department
Mrs. Joan Bickelhaupt

Email: joan_bickelhaupt@apsva.us

Blog Guidelines:

1. Student blog is located at the appropriate address using the following as a guide:
Example: www.jbhsart (first name) (last initial).blogspot.com

2. Start the first entry with your “Autobiography as Haiku” and a display of your work for the self-portrait project titled “Artist Statement”.

3. List the 100 words that used as a description of yourself and title “100 words”

4. Have a photo portfolio of all of your completed works from the summer and the 1st quarter with a summary of the artist intention for each project or grouping

5. Have all classmates’ blog links listed under “Student Blogs”

6. Must have at least 3 influential artist listed under different projects art history links with an example and citation information